Wooden Mandala Wall Art Goddess! "The Creator"
Handmade wood burnt pyrography wall decor of feminine power, creativity & beauty.
- Three panels of solid oak wood 120cm x 40cm - total dimensions 120cm x 120cm
- Manually wood burnt design with copper acrylic painted highlights
- One of a kind artwork that took over 110 hours of designing, burning and painting.
- The darker areas of the design are created by burning away the top later of wood using a heated pyrography tool.
The story behind the art:
I have always pictured people's creative energy, thoughts, ideas and dreams as mandalas expanding from our internal selves out into the world. This peice encompasses this vision, as an ever expanding mandala of energy that we use to create our lives. Creativity isn't just for artists, it's a fundamental skill that helps use choose how we want to show up in the world, what life we create for ourselves. One of the mantras I live by is "keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground", and that's exactly how I drew my lady right here. Our creative energy is like an infinitely large night sky, so she's looking up at all the dreams and possibilities that exist there. But she's also grounded, supported by strong roots, giving the dreams a secure base from which to grow. I think this piece reflects the eternal dreamer in me, the idea that we have so much potential inside of us to live in the way we dream, and by learning to break through our internal and external barriers that hold us back, there's no stopping how far we can reach.